
This is what I understand to be the right wing ideal of being a good woman and parent. You must, when you are older but not very old, have babies. Ideally they will be white babies. You will be a woman who loves men (eventually one man), who only loves women. Every woman should loveContinue reading “Indoctrinator.”

My Prisoner

I either heard or read, or both heard and read, a true story about a person who wrote to a man in prison over many many years and each changed each other’s life. Possibly I also read or heard a story about how much people in the army (always men for some reason), love toContinue reading “My Prisoner”

The Retirement Party

There wasn’t a party. I thought my last day would be April 6, 2020. The early times of the pandemic. I kept changing it because the world was changing. Cleaning, then plexiglass, then doors shut to the public. I stayed until May 31, 2020, working mostly alone in an empty building. My last e-mail toContinue reading “The Retirement Party”


HATE: \hāt\ n 1. intense hostility and aversion There is much written on the subject of hate, mostly that you shouldn’t. You should forgive, forget, move on. It wastes energy, it hurts YOU more than the person you hate. To all of it I say “poo”. There is really just one person I hate. IContinue reading “Hate”

The Key

May 29, 2020 was my last day as a full time circulation supervisor at the William Hall Free Library, in Cranston Rhode Island. Forty five days from that date I’ll be allowed to work there as a part time employee. It’s protocol, nothing personal. I am going to be a full time studio artist. IContinue reading “The Key”