A Quick Minute.

Say what you wanna sayAnd let the words fall out From Brave by Sara Bareilles One day there was a man interviewed on NPR – I don’t know his name, who wrote a book – I don’t remember the title, interviewed about his book on abuse of power. He believed that at every level, fromContinue reading “A Quick Minute.”


HATE: \hāt\ n 1. intense hostility and aversion There is much written on the subject of hate, mostly that you shouldn’t. You should forgive, forget, move on. It wastes energy, it hurts YOU more than the person you hate. To all of it I say “poo”. There is really just one person I hate. IContinue reading “Hate”

The chalkboard at my local library.

Before there was a chalkboard at the library where I worked from June 5, 2005 until May 31, 2020, there wasn’t one. Every library has a set of shelves for patrons who request items, called a hold’s shelf. Ours was once a set of rolling grey carts which would fill too quickly and did notContinue reading “The chalkboard at my local library.”

The Key

May 29, 2020 was my last day as a full time circulation supervisor at the William Hall Free Library, in Cranston Rhode Island. Forty five days from that date I’ll be allowed to work there as a part time employee. It’s protocol, nothing personal. I am going to be a full time studio artist. IContinue reading “The Key”