The Child

My husband and I were not natural or gifted parents. I was youngest of three, and had had a few miserable experiences with baby sitting. My husband is a man, so, also did not have much experience with babies. Still, we decided to go for it. It took a while – we were a bitContinue reading “The Child”


This is what I understand to be the right wing ideal of being a good woman and parent. You must, when you are older but not very old, have babies. Ideally they will be white babies. You will be a woman who loves men (eventually one man), who only loves women. Every woman should loveContinue reading “Indoctrinator.”

The Summer of Start. Stop. Delete. Start.

Nearly every day I write an imaginary blog. For months I have written, considered, edited, deleted. It’s frustrating. My imaginary blogs are excellent, then, when I make them real, not so excellent. I draw. I see my therapist. I putter about. I am working on a series of drawings almost no one has seen. TheyContinue reading “The Summer of Start. Stop. Delete. Start.”

Another World.

For two months I was in a mansion being housed and fed. The mansion houses women with eating disorders. Packing clothes for an amount of time I didn’t know, for a change of season, for an expanding body, didn’t help me accept what I was doing. I was in disbelief on the drive with myContinue reading “Another World.”

Snowy Night in New York City. 

During a visit to see my mother in Brooklyn, I went out to see art work, which many of you know is a difficult decision. Snow began to fall in the afternoon. I went to see the Drawings of James Siena first. There was construction in the tunnels. I had to take a train, andContinue reading “Snowy Night in New York City. “

A New Day

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery. My life at the moment is about learning to accept daily the mistakes I make, other people make and their after effects. For even in a brand new unblemished day, you have to live withContinue reading “A New Day”

Unfortunate Timing.

There was a television show I liked very much called Once and Again. It was a quiet show, basically a family drama. In one of the last episodes of the series, a character named Karen, who has had a rough time of it, gets very depressed. Unable to help herself alone, she eventually seeks theContinue reading “Unfortunate Timing.”