
This is what I understand to be the right wing ideal of being a good woman and parent.

You must, when you are older but not very old, have babies. Ideally they will be white babies. You will be a woman who loves men (eventually one man), who only loves women. Every woman should love men and have babies. Even women who are not white. But white babies are best, as long as they are easily born and require no assistance for anything ever, from anyone except their parents. Single women should not ever have sex or babies but they should also never use birth control or try to stop a baby being born no matter what. That baby needs to be born, but not require any assistance from anyone except the mom. The baby will not have a disease or disability or anything that might mean the baby and mom need financial help. This baby must not ever think she is a girl if she is born a boy, and visa versa. The baby becomes a child and will learn to read but only certain books. Most of the books should be by white people and not ever mention any bad thing white people might have done to people who are not white, even if the child and his/her parent(s) are not white. But eventually they are allowed to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as long as they don’t go very deep into it. When the child hits puberty they must only be interested in people their age of the opposite sex. If they ever veer from this plan, at a young age or later, the parent(s) must ignore their wishes and desires for conversation about these things and hope the child snaps out of it. No parent can talk to their child about sex or love, except between a man and a woman, or help them in any way medically even though it is much easier and less expensive to accept the child as they wish to be when they are children. You must ignore everything your own child tells you and all their pleas for help. They must never be allowed to read any book that explains or describes or is written by someone who has answers, in case they like the book so much that it will penetrate their brains and make them want to be who they are even more, or worse, ask a question. You must never explain anything about slavery or poverty or climate change or attempts to rid the world of indigenous people or Jews or Armenians or about McCarthyism in case they find it depressing and wish for medicine which you should never allow them to have. You must hope they become bankers who revere farmers but not vegetarians or vegan because that could hurt big agriculture. Or maybe they can be a pilot. They can only be he and she. They must be protected from indoctrination at all costs by only calling them their given name and a he and a she because to call them anything else is child abuse, worse than hitting a child or raping a child, screaming at a child, or neglect. They must care about homeless people but not explore reasons for why people are homeless. It’s best if they like guns. It’s best if they never read Dr. Seuss or Maurice Sendak or Toni Morrison or about Harry Potter even though J.K.Rowling is a she woman who only believes a person can be born a she. Still no Harry Potter. Too dangerous. No books about two mommies or two dads because the very idea will make them wish for two moms or two dads which should never happen even if it does. Even if this is what their friend’s families look like. I think that’s the gist. I am a mom born as a she married to a man born as a he. I was on the PTA and our child went to public school until (s)he went to a Catholic school (supposedly good theater program) even though we are Jewish. My child was born a he and is now she and all of us are fine and we love each other. She did read Harry Potter and Dr. Seuss, and Maurice Sendak. But so did all her friends. Her friends are shes and hes and theys. Probably they care about each other and the world and accept each other as they are because I indoctrinated all of them when I was on the PTA. Blame it on mom, the all powerful indoctrinator. I’m okay with that.

Published by jessica does things

I am an artist who worries about cleaning the house.

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