The Summer of Start. Stop. Delete. Start.

Nearly every day I write an imaginary blog. For months I have written, considered, edited, deleted. It’s frustrating. My imaginary blogs are excellent, then, when I make them real, not so excellent. I draw. I see my therapist. I putter about. I am working on a series of drawings almost no one has seen. TheyContinue reading “The Summer of Start. Stop. Delete. Start.”

What do I write about?

I have struggled with what I want to say – in a blog post, on social media, to my therapist, to friends, with my art. I decided to look back at my decades of diaries. There are many. Mostly they contain writing. Some diaries have the occasional drawing. You get the gist. Since 2009 orContinue reading “What do I write about?”

The Retirement Party

There wasn’t a party. I thought my last day would be April 6, 2020. The early times of the pandemic. I kept changing it because the world was changing. Cleaning, then plexiglass, then doors shut to the public. I stayed until May 31, 2020, working mostly alone in an empty building. My last e-mail toContinue reading “The Retirement Party”

A New Day

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery. My life at the moment is about learning to accept daily the mistakes I make, other people make and their after effects. For even in a brand new unblemished day, you have to live withContinue reading “A New Day”

Moral Compass

I have been knocked off course. I need an ally like my father, or D.C.S. Christopher Foyle, to help me find my way. My dad was the only person I have known who could actually change a person’s mind about something they thought they believed without ever raising his voice. When I was in firstContinue reading “Moral Compass”

Every Day

routine [roo-teen]    noun 1. a customary or regular course of procedure. 2. commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified intervals; typical or everyday activity: the routine of an office. 3. regular, unvarying, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure. My daily routine: Wake at 9. Walk Alice. Make coffee. Work.Continue reading “Every Day”

My Notebooks

I have too many note books. I see them, often at Spoonbill & Sugartown, my favorite bookstore, and I have to have them. They are usually not very expensive. Anywhere from $10 to $30.00. But if I never bought one more I would have enough paper to do drawings till I die, even if IContinue reading “My Notebooks”

Approximately 186 miles x 2 x 8

I am in Brooklyn, again. This is around the 8th time I have come to Brooklyn since April. This time, my oldest brother Paul is also here (a rarity). There are three of us. My two brothers, Mark and Paul, and me. Mom loves Paul best. It is a fact of our family, and weContinue reading “Approximately 186 miles x 2 x 8”