The Lonely Artist: May

I think I have sold exactly one drawing this year.

I am not going to cold query curators I do not know anymore. These emails, that make me embarrassed to even write, either dissolve into a black hole or come flying back to me as an auto reply which basically says to fuck off.

I do have a meeting with a curator I kind of know. My only expectation is that he likes the work enough to give me a name of someone else to contact. Of course I hope he likes the Tally drawings, which would be a bonus.

I completed another:

It’s a reference to the round up of Jews in France, at the Vel D’Hiv…a sort of stadium. France traded them to the Germans for their city treasures, to keep Paris safe from being decimated.

Meanwhile I unexpectedly got a job from an old friend/collaborator during my textile design years. He wants me to make paintings to be used for table ware, plates, bowls, platters and the like. I love this man, Manuel, and it seemed worth a try to attempt this. The key is to be loose, not exactly my middle name.

Too tight.
Much better.

I have been wishing I could wake up and suddenly have possession of an entirely different style of work. Maybe more narrative, or truly abstract, or like my latest favorite artist, Dorothy Ionnone.

Dorothy Ionnone: Flora and Fauna.

I went to an opening at a small buzzy gallery in Newport, called Overlap. It was a great exhibit, with three artists; Elizabeth Duffy, Lu Heinz, Anna McNeary. There were many people there I know, many more I did not know. I was introduced to the owner. They are booked for three years, which is good – very good for RI.

I finished this small pen & ink drawing. I am going to try to turn it into an oil painting.

Method & Intuition: Loop de Loop.

I feel old and very white.

Not my painting and not me, but I relate.

We’ll see what the rest of May brings.

Published by jessica does things

I am an artist who worries about cleaning the house.

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