I Had A Toothache.

All women think there is one pair of jeans in the world that is the perfect pair. The pair that will make you look slim, cool, stylish and will transform every ratty top into a smashing fabulous accessory. This is why there could be a series called Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, about magic jeans.Continue reading “I Had A Toothache.”

Approximately 186 miles x 2 x 8

I am in Brooklyn, again. This is around the 8th time I have come to Brooklyn since April. This time, my oldest brother Paul is also here (a rarity). There are three of us. My two brothers, Mark and Paul, and me. Mom loves Paul best. It is a fact of our family, and weContinue reading “Approximately 186 miles x 2 x 8”

Catching Up On Many Things

Oklahoma…of course this is #1 on my mind. So so sad. And yet, questions do spring to mind. When to tactfully remind the senators, Tom Coburn and his colleague James Inhofe , that while we all share their grief, they did not share ours after Storm Sandy? They were both quite steadfast about voting againstContinue reading “Catching Up On Many Things”